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Celem tej witryny jest INFORMOWANIE o procedurze i skutkach dokonania formalnego wystąpienia ze wspólnoty wiernych Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego. Zapewne wiele z osób, które trafiły na tę stronę znalazło się w takiej oto sytuacji: zostały jako dzieci ochrzczone i wcielone do...

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www.faktyimity.pl (4)

user [Przymusowo_Ochrzczony]: Unieważnić chrzest? Przy czym od razu zaznaczam : unieważnić przed wszystkim z punktu widzenia państwa, a nie Krk (niech sobie dalej wierzy w jego moc, jeśli chce). Inaczej pisząc: spowodować aby chrzest, zwlaszcza dokonany na osobnikach baaardzo nieletnich, nieswiadomych tego faktu i jego konsekwencji, nie był uwzględniany w żadnych oficjalnych państwowych statystykach, itp., po prostu jakby go nie było, oraz aby mozna było ten fakt łatwo odwołać (powtarzam: względem państwa).

The aim of the APOSTAZJA.INFO site is to GIVE INFORMATION on the procedure and consequences of formally renouncing the Roman Catholic believers community

Apostasy (Greek ‘renunciation, standing away’, apo – away and stasis – posture, position) – conscious and voluntary withdrawal from the community of the faithful. Commonly it refers to  voluntary and complete abandonment of faith by a baptised Christian (which makes the difference from heresy and schism)”
Possibly several of the persons who have come across this site found themselves in the following situation: as children they were baptized and incorporated into the community of the faithful of the Roman Catholic church and now, as adults, they feel uncomfortable with such a “burden”. This may concern both present atheists and the believers of religions other than Catholic. Such persons often would like to withdraw from the Church, but they do not know how to achieve this aim, for the information on apostasy has been scattered around various Internet sites (incomplete and often divergent), while the representatives of the Church often do not have or do not want to give such information. Apostasy is a taboo subject.
Moreover, such persons may be afraid of the consequences of apostasy, though most often they just do not know what they are. In such a case the systematisation and reliable information (as far as possible coming directly from the Church authorities) presented here, may happen to be the only way to perform apostasy efficiently, for example in situations when we face a claim that such an act is impossible.
The authors of the site have withdrawn from the Catholic Church themselves and decided to share with others the knowledge and experience gained at the time. We are advocates of absolute freedom in our philosophy of life and in our opinion the moral or religious choices are sensible only if they are made consciously. Thus, we encourage those who are considering abandoning the Church to reflect seriously and take part in the discussion on this subject.

Regarding the formal apostasy below you can find a letter we received from Chancellor of  Warsaw Metropolitan Curia:

"With reference to the communication of 29 September, 2005, I hereby inform you that the act of formal withdrawal from the Catholic Church community may be performed in the parish appropriate to your place of residence. The person abandoning the Church expresses his will in writing in the presence of the local parish priest and two witnesses; at best they should be the person’s parents or Godparents. The parish priest, having a declaration drawn up in such a way, informs the parish appropriate as to the place of christening of the person abandoning the Church and asks the local parish priest to make an annotation in the baptism register."

Rev. Grzegorz Kalwarczyk
Chancellor of  Warsaw Metropolitan Curia


in 2008 Polish Episcopal Conference has published a document which contained a set of instructions concerning a formal act of defection from the Church. English translation of the document "Rules governing the formal act of defection from the Church" can be found on www.concordatwatch.eu website.


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